Here's just a small sampling of the projects we’ve implemented over the years.

The Cardiac Surgery Simulator

The UWI Cardiac Surgery Simulator reanimates a pig’s heart - the closest to that of a human’s heart - using computerized mechanics, electronics, and fake blood to mimic the conditions of a real-life surgical operation. A computer allows doctors to control its beat, as well as monitor artificial vital signs on a computer screen.

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Greenhouse Gases Inventory System

Signatories to the Paris Agreement commit to creating an inventory to monitor their greenhouse gas emissions over time, using the data to plan and evaluate mitigation policies. The Greenhouse Gas Inventory Database Management System (also called the DBMS) stores the activity data, emissions factors and calculations used to estimate these greenhouse gas emissions. It allows a team of emissions experts to maintain an up-to- date inventory, accounting for changes in data collection and calculation best practices, while keeping a record of previous versions of the inventory.

Development Support

Developed a host of web-services that supported a Caribbean-wide deployment of insurance products and services. This gave the company further reach into traditionally underserved market - while allowing for rapid expansion without compromising quality of services.


Course Development and Lectures

Responsible for providing lectures, course content and tutorials for several Computing courses. These courses are administered in Jamaica for the wider Caribbean.


  • COMP1126 - Introduction to Computing I (Python)

  • COMP1127 - Introduction to Computing II (Data Structures)

  • COMP1161 - Object Oriented Programming (Java OOP)

  • SWEN3001 - Introduction to Android Programming