Welcome to my blog! My name is Matthew Budram and I am a Software Architect at Lynk, with a background in medical and financial technologies. I have always been fascinated by the way these fields intersect and how innovative solutions can improve people's lives. As a software architect, I have had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects that have allowed me to delve deep into these topics and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in these areas.

One of my most significant achievements in this area is my past research entitled "This thesis described a part of the UWI Cardiac Surgery Simulator and the work done to achieve the necessary realism in Cardiothoracic Surgery Training". This research allowed me to explore the intersection of medical and technological innovation in the field of cardiothoracic surgery, and helped me develop a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities involved in using simulation to train surgeons and improve patient outcomes.

In addition to this research, I have also had the opportunity to work on several mobile wallet implementations and deploy hospital and medical solutions at prestigious institutions such as the University of the West Indies, Johns Hopkins, Massachusetts General Hospital, Mayo Clinic, The University of North Carolina, and University of Rochester.

On this blog, I will be sharing my thoughts, experiences, and insights on medical and financial technologies, with a focus on how they can be used to improve people's lives. Whether you're interested in these topics, or just looking for some inspiration and new perspectives, I hope you'll find something here that resonates with you. Thank you for stopping by and I look forward to connecting with you through my writing.

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